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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

“Like” Us (as seen on TV)

Facebook even more so than trail blazing Television is an ingenious human trap. How could anyone criticize the air we breathe or communication itself? That’s the “beauty” of a perfect scam.

Judo is a martial art that uses a person’s own body mass against him. Similarly, someone can be seduced to gradually surrender personal freedom (arguably one’s greatest asset) through fear of loss of belonging to, and being connected with, real time fickle cyber-society.

Bushmen use a simple trap – which has no moving parts – on monkeys they plan to eat or enslave. They put an irresistible morsel inside a hollowed-out gourd. The hole in the gourd is big enough for the monkey to insert his “hand” unclenched. But when the poor wretch grasps the treat, he now cannot withdraw his expanded, clenched paw through that same hole. Invariably when the ‘hunter’ returns, the monkey stubbornly remains despite the loss of his freedom. (and docile longing for the as yet unavailable morsel)

Facebook “games” (or any connected “application”) require you to “allow access” to your informational domain. You can readily sell out your friends’ list no matter how stringent your “privacy settings” so that you can enter a virtual world with an artificial economy. Once your already addictive penchant is established you can trade Manhattan for the pretty beads accrued in phony-world. But not to worry, “Facebook is *free* and will always remain that way.”

Some of you are thinking, “I’m too smart to fall for the ‘games’ pitch.” RIGHT!!! Take comfort in knowing you’re only addicted to the “fellowship” that’s making Zuckerburg wealthy while furthering/cultivating a culture of sheeple.

. . . from one who flew over the cuckoo’s nest

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