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Saturday, September 24, 2011

A Legacy of Fudge

The United States Catholic Bishops offer *guidance* near elections. They title their document “Faithful Citizenship” but it is neither truly faith-filled nor conducive to maintaining the Republic prescribed by our Founders. Instead of teaching souls to be conscientious, the net effect is a manual on how to seem righteous while rationalizing one’s currently held political views.

Wanna vote for Obama again because he feigns concern for the downtrodden? You have the bishops’ blessings as long as you say, “I have informed and fully formed my conscience, and I am not doing this *specifically* because Obama is an unabashed proponent of abortion-on-demand.”

Wanna vote for _____________ <[insert name of ANY compromised and compromising GOP-supported aspirant considered *electable* by the propagandist media]? You have Reverend Frank Pavone’s blessing if you pledge, “I am ‘limiting evil’ by choosing the lesser(?) EVIL.”

Either way, not much effort is required of you. But it’s a status quo road to perdition. Where is TRUTH in all this? Truth takes a backseat to RELATIVISM and its allies . . . faux pragmatism, utilitarianism and secular humanist savvy.

So, you’re off the hook. Now all that’s left to do is root for your favorite horse as if the outcome makes no moral difference to life on earth or eternal salvation.

The uni-Party (Dem-GOP) has insulated itself from challengers by erecting insurmountable hurdles to anyone not in their club. The ante to play involves a gargantuan number of petition signatures, poll taxes and nearly half the percentage of support required to win the general election to even be included in a debate before the electorate.

The only way around this lockout is a true grassroots, sustained assembly of the populace. The Tea Party is a good thought. But we have met the enemy and it is us. We are so ADDICTED to the media that our goal in life – our measure of reality and our benchmark for “arrival” as “legitimate” – is to be covered by the media. We are subjects of our own vanity.

It is also going to require a gut check on PRINCIPLE. Because as we have seen, even the last batch of so-called Tea Party candidates buckled under peer pressure of beltway Congresspersons and/or the seductive lure of personal power. And don’t forget, the GOP vortex is always poised to suck the life out of a true conservative rebellion by mouthing its rhetoric and annexing it back into the fold.

Meanwhile, the Media is trying just as hard to identify the Tea Party as a Republican effort as the Republicans themselves are trying to co-opt their escaping social conservative base. Why? Because the Media are no longer watchdogs as they still claim, but rather agents of the descent into collectivism. And they serve the Dem-GOP objective.

The Church COULD step up and fill the role as that watchdog for Liberty. Not its job description you say? Saving a system of government >By The People< that has not existed heretofore in the history of humankind, and which provides the most freedom to date to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ is not worthwhile?

But the Church is already compromised from within. Too many American bishops adhere to Jesus as an economic, political liberator. They’ve already bought into the collectivism, which leads back to oligarchy. Too many champion the *social justice* of the poor over the protection of innocents slain on altars of child sacrifice.

The result? Faithful Citizenship: An aid to political NON-activism, which is purposefully perfect in its NON-clarity.

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