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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

We Owe Barack Obama

Barack Obama has perhaps inadvertantly shown us how ugly we are. We are fond of demonstrating with statistics and examples that he is the MOST pro-abortion leader our nation has ever put into office. During his "reign," evil has bloomed. Yet, even after enduring it for 3 years, our plan is to only knock off the bloom and go back to watering, fertilizing and tending our garden of evil. We LOVE our "lesser" evil!

The Republicans to whom we allow access in our world of "electability" are not interested in abolishing abortion-on-demand. You haven't heard any of them say it up front. They know you really don't want to hear it. You want some form of abortion available in case you need it. And it's win-win because you can blame the ugly Democrats. You want the Republicans to be our "only hope" of getting rid of Obama because they offer you a sophisticated way of having your righteous cake, and yet eating your carnal cake if you get too hungry.

If you're not ready to believe your ugly complicity in abortion for the 35 years prior to Obama (or your ugly conniving to ensure it's available), maybe you NEED to look at him and his flagrant ways for another 4 years. You can continue to insist our crisis is primarily economic while maintaining YOUR entitlement-mentality... the 'right' to moral decay. You can pretend you are limiting evil by cynically relinquishing the standard of pure goodness by which we should judge. (Jesus Christ) Or you can break the cycle and turn to God in radical repentance.

You can RAISE UP a candidate who actually champions the abolition of abortion-on-demand as the primary issue of our day... who supports a return to living under God's Natural Law... who is unwavering in PRINCIPLE no matter how much he is persecuted or surrounded by those who pander and flip-flop.

Alan Keyes can still beat both Barack Obama and any faux opposition-party nominee in the general election. It will only take a plurality to capture enough electoral votes to put him in office. It will only take a
miracle . . . YOUR METANOIA . . . where you match the belief which you say you have with the candidate who unequivocally stands on Principle.

Will it happen? It's up to YOU!!!

HINT: If you're relying on the media to bring him to you on a silver platter, you're crazier than I am.

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