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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Just When You Thought Scandal Couldn't Be Outdone

What's WORSE than a spiritual shepherd who remains silent when outspoken, prominent Catholics promote the abortion agenda through their public offices? . . . A shepherd who undoes centuries of Catholic teaching through his theologically unsound "pastoral" exemption.

Jesus said of the Pharisees, "[they] have succeeded Moses as teachers; do everything and observe everything they tell you. But do not follow their example." Instead of doling out burdens under the law, Archbishop Joseph Naumann acts as though he can be nicer than Jesus by absolving any burden whatsoever. He has allowed one of his sheep to forgo consequences regarding the Church's teaching of sacrilege against Christ's Real Presence. In his own testimony Naumann states that he met with Kathleen Sebelius as her ordinary and had "'tense conversations' that surrounded life issues.'" He wrote to the then-governor of Kansas and asked her not to present herself for Communion. Sounds good so far, right?

BUT . . . if she would present herself, she would not be turned down.

What happened to the doctrine of mortal sin? What happened to the sin upon sin known as sacrilege? What happened to flagrant, unrepentant ill-formed conscience after SPECIFIC information given to that same conscience? Is this a blanket instruction that no sin will be held binding on earth? The ACTION of this shepherd speaks VOLUMES.

In His parable of The Prodigal Son, Jesus emphasizes His heart's desire to reclaim lost souls. He teaches that the son who remains faithful should not feel neglected or hold resentment toward the brother who eventually returns. HOWEVER, in the parable the son who squandered his inheritance on dissolute living REPENTED!

There is irony in the archbishop's own prior statement. Naumann's motivation for confronting Sebelius was that she crossed a line by prefacing her public statements with, "As a Catholic who respects life..." Archbishop Naumann said of that behavior: "She was usurping my role as the bishop and the principle teacher of the faith. She was telling people, 'I'm a Catholic. I do this and it is consistent to faith.'"

Consistent to faith?!!! Naumann is telling Catholics
I'm a bishop, the principle teacher of the faith, and I merely SUGGEST that Catholics do not sin upon sin by dishonoring the Real Presence of Jesus. And (consistent with The Dicatatorship of Relativism) none of what I say is binding.

Now THAT is exponential scandal!

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