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Monday, June 30, 2008

American Independent Party of California
announces new national affiliation

Media contact: Markham Robinson
Parliamentarian, American Independent Party of California

Sacramento CA - June 28, 2008 California's American Independent Party, which has a forty-year history in the Golden State, today announced its affiliation nationally with the newly-formed America's Independent Party of Fenton, MI. The Party had previously affiliated on a national basis with the Constitution Party of Lancaster, PA.

The State Central Committee of the American Independent Party voted unanimously in its Friday meeting to make the switch, after which the new 2008 national affiliation was duly filed with the Secretary of State's office in accordance with the requirements of California's Election Code.

State Chairman Edward C. Noonan, on hand in Sacramento for the official filing, stated, "We believe it is time to affiliate with a new party, one that has a will to win. In sixteen years, the Constitution Party has never elected a candidate. America's Independent Party may be the best chance we have of stopping the never-ending advance of socialism."

Friday's move makes the newly-minted America's Independent Party the third largest national political party in the United States based on voter registration.


Katrinka Yobotz said...
By: Jacqueline Salit
This is an exciting time and a challenging time for independent voters and for the independent movement. Independents are now 40% of the electorate.
Polls show that 41% of college students consider themselves indies as do 35% of African Americans under the age of 30. Independents have been participating in the presidential primary process in record numbers and have played an integral role in shaping the presidential season.
Our experience has taught us that independents can come together – with whatever ideological or issue differences of opinion we might have – based on the need to reform the political system and make people, not partisanship, the driving force in our democracy.

groovsmyth said...

According to this website, *Independent* is becoming a label without substance. Whether intended or not, they are making it synonymous with the empty dissatisfaction that is embodied in the Obama mantra *change* They have no real PLAN to change the world for the better. The only thing they believe should NEVER change is ever-increasing sexual permissiveness. That is sacrosanct for them. The hippy slogan, "make love, not war," sums up their simplistic worldview.