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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sidewalk Counselors Promoting Anesthesia?

by Carl V. Bibeau

The counselors whose ministry outside the killing centers is to give abortion-bound parents one last chance to make the righteous choice, do not make an alternative suggestion that the child be killed while mitigating pain with anesthesia. Why then, would many "counselors" be contemplating a vote for John McCain? Why would they be urging others to do so as well? The trusted mentor who coaxed me (convicted me) to be an activist for the pre-born, has honed her credibility over the years. She, in good conscience, cannot bring herself to refer women, who are "sitting on the fence" in conflicted torment, to certain "crisis pregnancy centers" who refuse to call abortion, evil. Some agencies, even so-called faith-based ones, hesitate to call people to repentance when it comes to society's hot-button abortion issue.

This good woman, week after week, year after year, has stood outside the death mills answering every objection, one by one, that the girls offer for why they "must" keep their appointments. She offers them: financial help; a ride to a reputable doctor who will perform an ultrasound free of charge; contact with agencies that will care for the woman pre-natally, and house her until she can deliver her baby into the hands of adoptive parents of her own choosing; babysitting help for siblings of the condemned, so the mother does not feel overwhelmed; ongoing companionship with matched peers who will "be there" for moral support throughout the pregnancy; money for rent and/or utilities; etc. etc. etc. There are counselors who even offer to adopt the children of the women in distress themselves, in order to save babies from imminent death.

Abortion "clinics" have an agenda. The technicians, when performing ultrasounds on clients to determine gestational age of their pre-borns, turn the monitors away from the women so that they will not see their offspring alive and moving. In this manner, they filter the Truth, in order to accomplish the objective of the clinic's existence, which is not to offer a "choice," but to accept compensation for the termination of the fetus.

There is a clergyman, presumably with the best of intentions, engaged in a similar deception. He has come to the conclusion that a Good candidate for the Presidency cannot prevail in the upcoming election. Therefore, he has prepared a Voters' Guide comparing the relative evil espoused by the two major-party candidates. In that sense, he is filtering the Truth in order to accomplish the objective he perceives as good. But, you say, that's different because the deception he perpetrates is justified because he believes he is saving lives of the pre-born by doing so. Is the best way to counteract the Dictatorship of Relativism, to engage in those same tactics of relativism, whether it be relative good or relative evil?

We can make another comparison. The righteous sidewalk counselor who scrupulously will not make referrals of the contacts whom she has persuaded not to kill their offspring, will refer voters to a guide that deceives them into believing the lesser evil is their only choice.

Flavoring makes the poison go down more easily. Anesthesia palliates the pain of death. Whether it's one baby or a whole culture, we cannot afford to deal in terms of relative evil or relative good. We must speak the TRUTH, the whole TRUTH, and nothing but the TRUTH!

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