by Carl V. Bibeau
For way too many years, well-meaning folks in the Pro-Life Movement have naively labored under the notion that the Liberal-controlled media is reasonable. Even though massive numbers have turned out year after year after year in the freezing cold of Washington, D.C. to March for Life on the January anniversary of a Judiciary debacle without that impressive throng EVER being shown on-air by mainstream news cameras, they have continued to persist in the pathological hope that one day the situation would "change."
Now, in 2009, after a grand inaugural celebration of the first African-debatably-American President in U.S. history, attempted to educate the masses of the extreme irony of this man's position on the abortion issue. They produced a public service announcement which was kind and gentle. They utilized the very positive imagery of pre-natal ultrasound. They used statistics commonly acceptable in the public domain. They were willing to pony up the millions necessary to air the message on what has become the premier national forum to access an audience motivated to pay attention to commercial breaks. And their message was summarily refused by NBC according to its content.
If this "event" cannot be interpreted as the Special Delivery, engraved notice that Conservatives must BECOME the media, the old-fashioned way, by word-of-mouth using the 21st Century technology of the Internet, or any other means creatively available, then there is indeed no hope for their assessment of reality.
There is an organization, The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, which has realized for years that if Truth is to be disseminated about ABORTION - that it is an act of violence which deprives an innocent child of her/his life - then alternative forms of media must be created to accomplish the communication.
CBR was active at Raymond James Stadium on February 1st during our XLIII national celebration, whether "invited" or not, using two of those alternative vehicles of communication... billboard trucks and an airplane tow banner. The Public Square has changed since the 18th Century. The concept of Free Speech has not. People must assertively exercise their First Amendment Rights. It is the only way we can conceivably keep those rights. The INtolerance of the Liberal mindset must be exposed at every opportunity, or freedom will cease to exist in this "land of the free."

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