Can we call a turd, a turd? Apparently, the "Christian Right" cannot bring itself to do so with such "vulgar" terms. Even though they daily assert descriptions of the filth and corruption from the "Left" in its Democrat Party iteration and the false conservative "opposition" offered by the Republicans; even though they admit the two parties are wings of the same beast; the above "bumper sticker" was removed from a forum because minors might be corrupted through the use of the word turd.
The collusion in evil between the present two parties, especially in their "cooperation" due to virtually indistinguishable nominees, offers The People no real choice. Furthermore, the draconian measures which the Republi-Crat duopoly takes to eliminate even the slightest hint of start-up competition effectively snuffs out Liberty.
Alan Keyes was called "unsportsmanlike" for not shaking the hand of his opponent after a loss and for failure to proclaim the opponent "fit" for office. Will the rest of us go politely into bondage? Evidence thus far seems to indicate that we will.
♫ turd turd turd ♪ turd is the word ♫
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