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Monday, May 05, 2008

In response to Fr. Frank's
e-mail letter (05-03-08)
regarding Faithful Citizenship in the General Election

"Election season isn’t the time for converting people.
It’s the time for counting people."

An Open Letter To Fr. Frank

Dear Rev. Frank Pavone,

I received your e-mail concerning M.E.V.’s "strategy" for the upcoming General Election. I agree that a Godly outcome depends on fully informed and formed consciences, eligible and registered to vote, who then actually cast a vote. However, I strongly disagree with the notion that it is too late to continue informing consciences. The decision to abide evil, by channeling the electorate to choose the lesser of evils is contrary to the heart of God. By selecting evil, and encouraging others to follow, the trusted PFL ministry is engaging in an occasion of sin, by actually influencing the faithful to sin.

The edifice known as Fr. Pavone, has been a beacon of advocacy for Life within the U.S., following the lead of John Paul II and Our Holy Father, Benedict XVI. Truth remains, ever unchanging. "Catholic Orthodoxy" has held firm with the 5 Catholic Non-negotiables because Truth cannot deny itself. However, as we know, the virtual nominee of the Party whose platform has traditionally aligned with these non-negotiables, has compromised himself on three out of the five standards. Abortion and Euthanasia are indeed the two outlined in Evangelium Vitae as unequivocally, perpetually wrong. However, any compromise on Same-Sex "marriage" also ranks as incompatible with the Gospel. Embryonic Stem Cell Research feeds the abortion mentality in spirit and deed, and is inseparable from its scourge. Human Cloning is part and parcel with ESCR, as embryos are "therapeutically" cloned, and destined for destruction.

The "Lesser of Evils" philosophy, as applied to electoral politics, is a worldly deception. The Question: Is reliance mainly on the inexact art of appointing Justices to likely vacancies on the Supreme Court, according to the values of COMPROMISED individuals of either major political party, the best way to aid the pre-born, either immediately or in the long run?

Indeed, electing a candidate who supports abortion-on-demand would allow judicial appointments of like mind, thus maintaining the balance of the Court in favor of upholding the faulty 1973 decision. However, electing a candidate who may appoint constructionist Justices while positively furthering the erosion of respect for human life at its earliest stage, is arguably NO LESS EVIL. In fact, it negates the perceived "incremental" benefit. The delusion lies with the trend of thought that technology can improve humankind’s ability to kill the conceived human closer to conception, while he/she is still a clump of fertilized cells instead of a recognizable fetus, as if that was somehow less immoral.

Meanwhile, there exists a Catholic candidate, (a third degree member of the Knights of Columbus, no less) who still offers himself as a choice to people of clear conscience for the November elections. This candidate not only is uncompromising on the 5 Non-negotiable "Catholic Issues," he is the ONLY candidate who pledges to uphold the integrity and sovereignty of the Republic, while maintaining good stewardship toward the people of the entire world.

As the rest of the world marches toward Socialism, the remnants of a Free Republic are the only physical hope of staving off the decay. If the sovereignty of the United States is relinquished in a capitulation toward globalism (a globalism that via U.N. standards, already opposes protection of the pre-born), then the resulting dictatorship is anything but benevolent.

The Holy Father and the Universal Church stand pat for Jesus Christ and the precepts of a Culture of Life. They maintain the Spiritual Standard in a precocious, deviant world. Opposing "The Dictatorship of Relativism" is paramount in the spiritual and philosophical realm. We must continue to pray, as this battle is essentially a spiritual struggle. However, the Republic of the United States of America, must remain intact in order to oppose The Dictatorship of Globalism from physically overrunning the globe in the meantime.

If the globalists succeed in dismantling and disarming what’s left of the American Republic from within, (George Soros financially backs both Clinton/Obama and McCain) the result will not be blissful worldwide harmony, as per the paradigm of the Early Church in the Acts of the Apostles. It will be the most oppressive, pervasive Totalitarianism the world has ever known.

For Pro-Lifers to hinge Life Advocacy on the sole aspect of reversing Roe v. Wade is folly. Globalism is sneaking in the back door. Your recent e-mail directs the faithful to your Priests For Life website link which outlines the 2004 platforms of the Democrat and Republican Parties. The copy suggests that people should inform themselves using the media and voters' guides, which purportedly outline the detailed positions of the candidates. This assertion assumes that the two major political parties will be offering the ONLY candidates.

Your recommended course of action is glaringly incomplete - a veritable sin of omission. The National Media, and even Voters' Guides from otherwise reputable Christian organizations, have intentionally presented an incomplete comparison of the slate of candidates available on the ballot throughout the Primaries. There is ample reason to believe this condition will no doubt continue into the General Election.

Without the endorsement of Christian (Catholic) agencies, or at least an effort toward enlightenment of people of Good Will to the existence of another option, you Watchmen on the Wall will be derelict. You will be as complicit in the manipulation of people as the ungodly media.

Salvation is accessible to the non-intellectual. Freedom is provisionally accessible to the informed, particularly within the structure of our representative democracy. People all along the bell curve realize when TRUTH is being sacrificed to expediency. It furthers distrust of even legitimate authority. If trusted bastions of Christianity condescendingly try to manipulate or trick the masses into voting out of fear, the rank-and-file will notice. Christ’s metaphor was that we ALL should become as little children, simply gravitating toward the Good. If any of us try to outfox evil, through the foxiness of our own designs, we distrust the sovereignty of God. We doubt the ability of God, yes, even to allow the candidacy of an Independent to prevail in a two-party system.

The Whigs were relegated to largely unremembered history in ONE election by the upstart (third party) Republicans. Why? Because the Whigs refused to take a hard-line Abolitionist, moral stance on Slavery. There are enough disgruntled, disenfranchised Conservatives in "fly-over" America who may be so disillusioned with the country that they will remove themselves from the process by staying home this November. (and I don’t mean voting by absentee ballot) I ask you, who has become more cynical? You or them?

One only has to look to the campaign reform act of McCain-Feingold to realize that all aspects of First Amendment Free Speech will be in danger if concessions continue down that road. Regulations against so-called "hate" crimes threaten to limit speech, so that it conforms to what is "politically correct." The Church is threatened by this aspect of radical homosexual activism. If anyone should be aware of how First Amendment erosion will affect Pro-Life Advocacy, Priests For Life should surely be toward the top of that list.

A person is electable if enough people vote for that person. If factions conspire to deceptively eliminate that person from contention through suppression of information, the Holy Spirit cannot do His work. In that sense, the Holy Spirit flees deceit. (Wisdom 1:5)
As we approach the Feast of Pentecost, will you abet the perception machine, and impede the winds of the Holy Spirit with regard to the upcoming elections, or will you open the conduit that can disseminate Truth?

A Lay Associate, M.E.V.

1 comment:

Zita said...

Thank you for this very informative, thought provoking post.
It has always been a mystery to me why pro-life leaders would not take the time to listen to what Alan Keyes has to say. They seem to be more influenced by the untruths spewed by the liberal media and other power seekers. We have a choice that clearing stands above the rest. Alan Keyes could truly benefit from the endorsement of pro-life leaders. But in the end, if they choose not to listen, they will have to take responsibility for the failure of this election and the triump of anti-life.