This is crazy hot! It's like old-school soul brought up-to-date, instead of the beotch-bashin' of the gangstas. It's still a little pitchy, and everybody's not singin' in unison yet, but it's got the potential to be like a "humdinger", even for Simon Cowell… whether or not he even has a vote as a Brit (and your third favorite judge). Post-Racial America is about to break out in a rousing chorus of "We Shall Overcome," but it could never be led by who you think.
What are the fruits of TRUE hope? For instance, who has more streets named after him in the United States, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. or Malcolm X?
The non-violent persistence embodied by Dr. King has borne way more than geographic homage, though. The content of his character inspired millions of both blacks and whites to model their own behavior in like manner. In this season of decision, what would really constitute hope, which leads to the desired fruition of POSITIVE change? Prudence tells us that it couldn't possibly be the brand of "hope" and "change," trumpeted by Barack Obama. Hope and Change are indeed positive words, which have been co-opted by the Obama campaign. But though the words be positive, the emotion behind them is quite NEGATIVE coming from Obama. The influence of Jeremiah Wright and the statement by Michelle Obama are reminiscent of the anger and militancy of Malcolm X, not the essence of Gandhi or the example of Jesus of Galilee.
What could be bigger news than an African American contending for the Presidency of the United States? After all, just decades ago in the Truman Administration, blacks were the favored servants at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, not unlike the house slaves of the previous century. I'll tell you what's bigger news... TWO African Americans contending for the Presidency this election year! Yet the news media have gone OUT OF THEIR WAY to obscure that fact. How could this NOT be relevant news by any stretch of the imagination? Yet, we hear Katie Couric demonstrating media chutzpah by claiming that her network "reveals all the facts so that we, the electorate, can make an informed decision."
Both Alan Keyes and Barack Obama are of Negro descent. However, Alan Keyes remains a non-entity in the media eye - a non-person if you will - not because of the content of his character, nor even due to the color of his skin, but because he is a Conservative. The ENTIRE media has overstepped its role of informing, of being a watchdog guarding against the abuse of power. It has participated in manipulation of the choices available, as a veritable power BROKER.
Make no mistake. Choice is still available, and it doesn't have to be a choice made out of fear of the extremes of liberalism. As a Conservative, you don't have to vote for the so-called "centrist," John McCain, in order to avoid the greater evil of the radical leftist, Barack Obama. Alan Keyes will still be on the ballot come November as an Independent candidate for the Presidency of the United States.
If just enough vote for Keyes to cost John McCain the election, who will be to blame? The persons too cowardly to do the right thing, that's who. If your worst fears are realized, and there's a Democrat sitting in the Oval Office come January, don't point your finger at your fellow Conservatives who chose the better part. They will have truly voted their consciences.
The "industrious," "practical" "followers" will have connived to outfox the Adversary, using the Adversary's own tools. They will have fretted about so many things, and yet few are needed, indeed only one... Faith in God.
The people of this country used to have the motivation to seek out the Truth, and then answer an essay question about it. Now, they consider themselves fortunate to avoid annihilation with the help of several "life lines" and a contrived multiple-choice list handed to them. I guess if people are willing to allow game show producers to determine the potential universe from which they can pick a marriage partner or their favorite singer, they’re ready to relinquish all their freedoms.
Can you stand the manufactured suspense?
Wait for it . . .
VOTE FOR REAL HOPE, not against your worst fear.
We can all be "Masters of the Dream" together.
Actually, you have a greater responsibility than merely voting.
Of the People, By the People, For the People…
Raise Alan Keyes
to the Presidency
of the United States!
http://www.alankeyes.com http://renewamerica.us
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