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Saturday, June 07, 2008

Immorality Play (PG-13)

The Cathedrals of Europe were the venues of a type of theatre whose whole purpose was to convey a moral message. Now, good family fun, according to the Liberal *family values* paradigm, is presented in the secular cathedral of self-hate, the American movie theatre.

Adam Sandler’s Zohan is basically Warren Beatty’s Shampoo meets Roger Moore’s James Bond. Truth in advertising demands that I ruin it for you. The movie trailers plastered all over the TV airwaves promote a benign slapstick character that defies the laws of physics. In reality, the body of the film reveals non-stop hedonism, where the "hero" achieves world peace through licentiousness.

Anyone who believes Barack Obama is the Messiah will absolutely LOVE this film. Zohan is a deceptive political sleeper, much the same as BHO. It is a commentary designed to make us laugh our way into cynicism… and beyond. What is really beyond mere cynicism though? Existential nihilism. However, the plot leads us to an entirely different conclusion. A world where marriage unites Israeli and Palestinian, and everyone lives happily ever after.

Michael Moore couldn’t have packaged a more clever propaganda vehicle. The makers of The Golden Compass couldn’t have enticed children to atheism more adeptly. Adam Sandler is the clown of debauchery. He’s the Jerry Lewis who could guide your 13 year-old into prostitution while assuring her that even centuries-old adversaries can get along, if only they band together to stick it to the evil white male American corporate executive.

The only thing missing is the Democrat donkey. Not to worry though, the goat makes a prophetic appearance.

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