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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Get behind me, Satan
by Carl V. Bibeau

Scripture states quite explicitly that whoever denies Jesus, will be denied by His Father in heaven. No matter how much I consider myself as part of the Christian reference group, or how many times I say, "Lord, Lord," will not make a difference. Make no mistake, dear Christian, His Justice is Perfect. I will not be able to make a "case" for myself by testifying that I "was only following orders" of my immediate supervisor or so-called human shepherd. The ability to distinguish Good from Evil, Right from Wrong, is not the exclusive domain of the intellectual or educated. The simplest among us has the tools for that discernment. If we resort to worldly tactics or humanist strategies in order to accomplish a perceived Good, we have denied the very example that Christ, God-incarnate, modeled for us. When He exhorted us to become "as little children" it was a warning against the guile that can mislead the so-called sophisticated adult.

When Peter tried to persuade his Master to go against the Father's Will, the most shocking language is recorded in Scripture - "Get behind me, Satan!"

Do we honestly think that denial of Christ is a subjective "gray area" that can be "negotiated" with our Creator at our Particular Judgment? Can we make the argument that extenuating circumstances (the threat of death for example) made us fudge our statements of loyalty? Again, we are given the example of Peter, who squirmed not once, but three times.

But, you say, choosing the lesser evil of McCain, who denies the personhood rights of the embryo, will save the lives of later term pre-borns, or even "partially" born or born infants, whom Obama has already condemned. That certainly can't be compared to the outright denial of Jesus Christ, you say.

But it is the denial of Truth. Morally, acquiescing to *the lesser evil* on the center stage of this national election, forever alters the ability of The Faithful to stand up to, and against Evil. If a moral leader has been saying for years that the child conceived in rape is not to be blamed or condemned to death for the sin of the father, how will that same moral leader be able to authoritatively stand for that unalterable Truth in the name of Jesus, after he has supported and/or enabled the victory of a candidate who denies it as Truth?

The Dictatorship of Relativism demands that we pragmatically water down Truth to attain *incremental* stays of execution for the Culture of Life, until the human striving toward Objective Truth no longer exists. That's as good a definition of mass apostasy as any I've heard.

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Carletta said...

Great points, Carl! Very thought provoking.

groovsmyth said...

Thanks, carletta. Praise Father, Son and Holy Spirit!

Zita said...

I could use your help. I would appreciate your taking the time to look at the thread I started on the Catholic Answers forum and if you would feel compelled to respond that would be great too. Just a reminder, it is against board rules to mention the name of candidates and political parties and even alluding to a particular candidate.