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Sunday, August 24, 2008

A Virus in Your Hard Drive?
by Carl V. Bibeau

Conspiracy rumors abound in our Post-Modern Consciousness. However, there is adequate evidence to demand vigilance with regard to our Presidential candidates. Both major-party candidates are under a big question mark regarding the validity of their birth certificates, and therefore their most basic qualification to serve in the office of the Presidency. The candidate for "hope and change" has been linked to Reverend Wright, a proponent of radical liberation theology. Hopefully we'll know more about Obama's association with the former terrorist
Bill Ayers when U.I.C. releases those documents. The Illinois legislation concerning *born alive* infants and Obama's role in it is also of concern. Though first claiming Jill Stanek and others were lying about his voting record in the Illinois Senate, he has since admitted that he was the one who was spinning and/or misrepresenting his voting record to the American public. Barack Hussein Obama, via reference to his childhood religious roots, has incurred speculation for the potential to be an Islamic Trojan Horse if placed in the Oval Office. That's quite a list of unsavory affiliations and behavior to provide a so-called fresh start for America in Washington, D.C.!

Meanwhile, in addition to his questionable status of citizenship, (naturalized or natural born) John McCain (as a former P.O.W.) has been through the most strenuous, prolonged confinement of any prospect for the U.S. Presidency to date. The moral standards of communist torturers, and their penchant for disinformation and espionage, gives rise to speculation of a time bomb, Manchurian Candidate. His hair-trigger temper and self-characterization as a *maverick* doesn't do much to dissuade such pondering. Then, we have his "record" of compromise (collaboration with?) ultra-liberal ideology - his name actually attached to across-the-aisle legislation - Kennedy, Feingold, Lieberman. Conservatives are asked to believe that he holds Pro-Life values because he proffers the appropriate buzz phrases or *identifier handshakes* that ingratiate and promote an atmosphere of trust. "I believe human life begins at conception." Well, if it does indeed, how would it be ethical to USE pre-born parts or complete HUMAN organisms for research or therapies? If one doesn't agree to the need to resolve the personhood status of pre-born human beings, one cannot claim to be *Pro-Life* The status of pre-born humans cannot remain in flux indefinitely without a profound confusion continuing to deteriorate civilized society. If the life in the womb is a person, only according to his/her *wanted* status as determined by the mother, then ALL human life outside the womb will become progressively more subjective in value. i.e. worthless.

If you're not satisfied with the either-or predicament laid out for your choosing this election cycle, you are no doubt aware that you are not alone. There are MANY others who are not satisfied. If you feel powerless to change the situation, you are also not alone.

Powerlessness, feelings of futility and depression, engulf The People whose perceptions have been manipulated by their own choosing. That CHOICE - to be passively fed audio-visual material filtered for your entertainment and information by Hedonists, has already been made repeatedly... by YOU.

SURPRISE! You are NOT ENTITLED to moral government that protects unalienable rights! You have to WORK for it, you lazy excuse for a patriot! Will you continue to voluntarily submit yourself to the brainwashing of entitlement, socialist philosophy, or will you make a radical lifestyle change. Can you even remember when you trusted a friend giving a reasoned, moral stance or other factual information F2F (that's face-to-face) over something that is propagated or broadcast electronically? You have been hopelessly charmed and hypnotized by the cathode ray dancing on your retinas. You need not fear an external Manchurian Candidate or the Trojan Horse, because the automaton mechanism is within YOU!

If you're "Mad as hell, and you're not going to take it anymore!" you've known what to do, but you've decided not to do it. In true narcissistic fashion, with a wink and a nod, you *got* the inside reference that Hollywood made through Albert Finney, and you consciously chose your god - your beloved addiction.

The solution?
Find the candidate that most represents your value system. THAT is the person who will REPRESENT you in this Representative Democracy. If you don't know who you are, that could be a problem. You may already be beyond hope, if you have acquiesced to being told who you are, and what you stand for.

Then...BE THE MEDIA!!! Now! ...not after the election. Simply voting isn't enough. You must start a grass fire of persuasion, with your credibility as a person. It is not necessary to suppress the message of others. Truth will prevail if each of us is willing to share it among our daily sphere and our measured degrees of separation to the whole of the population. Be VERY suspicious of those who wish to suppress your message. People used to be willing to sign petitions, even to permit a person they had no intention of voting for to be placed on the ballot, because it defines freedom. "I disagree with what you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it."

Have we already relegated the U.S. brand of freedom to history with our miserly squandering? Only time will tell, and that time is waning.

I believe in the TRANSPARENT, documented, archived record of activism and ideology represented by Alan Keyes.

If you agree with the Conservative Platform set forth by America's Independent Party at then I invite you to join me in reclaiming this Republic before it vanishes before our eyes. We NEED Alan Keyes for President in 2008!

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