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Thursday, September 04, 2008

Miracle on Maitland Boulevard
by Carl V. Bibeau

Our day, as a driving crew, began early. The general plan, as always, was to educate Americans that abortion is an act of violence which kills a living human being. Effective social reform utilizes photographic evidence of the injustice, in order to persuade people with functioning consciences that the societal ill must be stopped. The particular plan that day, was to bring the Truth Truck photographs to two gatherings on opposite ends of the city where eyes could witness the result of what a political voice would attempt to portray (inhumanely) as normal. Barack Obama was scheduled to speak in Kissimmee at noon, and then in Maitland at a fundraiser that evening. To put the trucks in proximity of both events called for appropriate preparation. Knowing only the publicized times and locations, without specific details such as blocked-off security areas, always makes this type of educational endeavor a delicate balance between planning and improvisation. Some would characterize the presence as protest, but repeatedly, when the photos are displayed, we often receive reports that babies are born who would otherwise not have been afforded that opportunity. That miracle, of realized birth, is itself worthy of awe.

After looping around the parking areas for the event in Kissimmee, the two trucks split up to follow different traffic-congested routes, and thus an opportunity to engage a wider audience en route to Maitland. As it turned out, the separation afforded one team a glimpse of the Obama motorcade as it also passed through Orlando.

Later, as we began to negotiate available paths amid the afternoon commuter snarl near the hotel venue, the best location to engage the arriving dinner patrons began to emerge. At first, a turnaround alternative for the trucks on the other side of the highway was dismissed as not having much traffic to maximize exposure time for the photographs. Then the two trucks settled into a pattern, one following the other, which brought them back and forth in front of the main entrance to the hotel. Remote turnarounds at either end of the congested hub completed the circuit.

Having already seen what the motorcade escort looked like, we wondered if we could time a pass that would intersect with the motorcade as it arrived at the hotel. Over and over we traversed the route until it was past the time previously announced for the dinner/speech to begin. We paused intermittently at the one turnaround point, and tried to gauge the relative trip duration that would put us at the right spot at the right time. Finally, we realized the utter futility of such behavior. We verbally admitted to each other that we were powerless unto God for this undertaking. I believe it was then, and only then, that our prayer was capable of being answered. Instead of trying to keep the trucks together, we ultimately surrendered in faith.

Our second truck was delayed by some turning cars. The lead truck made it through the traffic light, crossed the highway and completed its turnaround before the other truck was able to approach the intersection at Lake Destiny and Maitland Blvd. Just as both trucks made that approach from opposite directions, a trooper of the advance contingent swung off the interstate ramp on his motorcycle and blockaded the intersection, overriding the traffic light, and mandating everyone to cease movement. The Truth Trucks were fatefully poised broadside, at the left and right of the arriving motorcade as it made its turn to access the hotel entrance lot. There we were - at a rendezvous point which we hadn't considered, nor could have even possibly timed or hoped for - the photographs shown, unavoidably in plain view of the big black tour bus as it rounded the corner.

God's designs are not our designs.

His ways are not our ways.

To even begin to imagine the complexity of His Great Plan, requires detachment from my own senses. In order to live "in the Spirit" I must make a conscious act of will, submitting that His Will be done. In this Divine formula, clinging to the details of my formulated plan does not amount to industrious merit, but rather prideful folly. When multiple individuals relinquish control unto The Holy Spirit, the dimension we call time is suspended, and we are allowed to witness God connecting the dots. This is the essence of "The Divine Appointment." Therefore, to petition God for these desired appointments, and then act as though everything depends on my own intellect, is tantamount to shooting myself in the foot. But more importantly, it's insolent to the Father.

As a Christian, do you fear the nonchalance of the candidate, Obama, toward human life issues more than you fear God Himself? If you are willing to settle for the so-called lesser evil of the candidate, McCain, who is really no less nonchalant than Obama according to the standard of Jesus Christ, then it is apparent that you do. However, the greatest evil that this world has to offer, including the carte blanche *reproductive rights* position of Barack Obama, has already been defeated through the death and resurrection of the Christ. If you continue to ignore "The GOOD" - literally pretend it doesn't exist - in order to choose an arguably lesser evil out of FEAR, you risk the wrath of God's Just Judgment.

(which is eternity... and He ignores you)

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